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Last Week’s Destruction…

December 6, 2021

Hey Market Pilot,Ever since the S&P 500 (SPY) crossed over its daily 50 simple moving average (SMA) on its last run-up which started a few weeks ago, I had been saying that price would eventually test that daily 50 SMA. It took some time, but the move finally happened last week. However, instead of it being a pullback to support an uptrend, it looked more like a bull run that was stopped in its tracks. There was definitive destruction last week. Something changed. Things broke. Where price would normally be … Read more

Omicron Hits Home…

December 2, 2021

Hey Market Pilot, I don’t think it is much of a surprise to most of us to hear that Omicron, a new Covid-19 variant, has made it to the shores of America. By the time we discovered and heard about it from Africa, it was already on the other continents. It was simply a matter of detecting it. The markets are not liking the one-two-three punch of non-transient inflation, and now Omicron in the U.S. The S&P 500 (SPY) has been dropping straight to its daily 50 simple moving average … Read more

Market Self Correcting

November 29, 2021

Hey Market Pilot, Last week I wrote about how the S&P 500 (SPY) finally got under its hourly 50 simple moving average (SMA) with the hourly Moxie Indicator™ below zero. This is the negative setup that I was expecting for the markets to move lower, but I didn’t expect it to happen on the day after Thanksgiving. Usually, that Friday is a lazy day in the markets as most traders are busy digesting the previous night’s meal and taking it easy since it is also a shortened market day. But … Read more

We Aren’t Out Of Woods…

November 25, 2021

Hey Market Pilot, We got a little fireworks show in the market to start Thanksgiving week. With Monday and Tuesday being volatile and hammering to the downside, support was found near the daily 21 exponential moving average (EMA) and the fear has subsided going into the actual holiday. We aren’t out of the woods yet, however. The Moxie Indicator™ is still trending down and below the zero line and the SPY price (pictured below) is below the hourly 50 simple moving average (SMA). This is negative for now and at … Read more

Conflicting Signals…

November 22, 2021

Hey Market Pilot, The S&P 500 (SPY) and Nasdaq (QQQ) kept moving up last week, but I am concerned that they are not telling the true story. It seems those indexes are being led higher by a few outsized names. While they look good on the surface, the rest of the market appears to be moving the other direction. There are a few ways to view this divergence. One of them is to look at the various indexes and note that the Russell 2000 ETF (IWM) and SPDR Dow Jones … Read more

No Growth, Stock Tanks

November 18, 2021

Hey Market Pilot, At one point, some of the biggest names we follow now were growth stocks. Apple (AAPL), Amazon (AMZN), Netflix (NFLX), and Facebook (FB) were all growth stocks because there was something about them that was revolutionary and they had a huge ability to “grow” into their market. Think about a company that is disrupting the status quo or entering the scene with a product or service which no one has seen before. A growth stock can also be a “flash in the pan” since something that is … Read more

Watch Price, Capital

November 15, 2021

Hey Market Pilot, The S&P 500 (SPY), pictured below, has been moving up steadily for a few weeks with virtually no down days until the pullback started. This was a pretty impressive move that just didn’t seem like it was going to quit, but the market always pulls back eventually. One of the clues about the impending pullback, and also a lesson in the fear of missing out (FOMO) restraint, is when price started to get even more aggressive to the upside. In a small sense, this could be considered … Read more

Is Inflation To Blame?

November 11, 2021

Hey Market Pilot, Recently I have been talking about one of my best setups, the Trampoline Move, showing itself on the daily chart of the gold miner exchange-traded fund (ETF) known as GDX. The Trampoline Move is a high-energy, high buoyancy trade that shoots price higher after a dip. When I saw this form on the daily chart, I knew we were in for something good. Since I was seeing the signal in GDX, I figured gold (GLD) and silver (SLV) would probably be in a similar configuration and indeed … Read more

Funds Signal Support

November 8, 2021

Hey Market Pilot, An exchange traded fund (ETF) that I like to keep tabs on is the IBD 50 (FFTY). Part of the reason I follow it is because it moves in a similar fashion to the Russell 2000 ETF (IWM). When trading, we could use all the clues we can get our hands on.  Back around August, I made a specific video for the Moxie Indicator™ subscribers about one particular clue I was seeing in the FFTY. That ETF started to shape up, test support, and move strongly before … Read more


November 4, 2021

Hey Market Pilot, Yesterday, the Federal Open Market Committee (FOMC) held a meeting. Promptly afterward the market rocketed to a new all-time high after already doing that for two weeks. This is a bit of bullish insanity. I am hard-pressed to find a time where the market has moved like this after a major pullback and didn’t at least “tag up” to test near-term support. Initially, I thought I was late to the party — had to fight FOMO (Fear Of Missing Out) —  and so I waited for that … Read more


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