Where can you find TG?

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Market action has been extremely volatile lately. What direction are we heading in? How long will this last? Catch my strategy breakout class to find out where I'm catching setups.

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The Mastery gives you a seat in his exclusive monthly trading sessions and Q&A. Here, you can watch TG catch “Moxie Stocks” during market hours to uncover how he applies the Moxie Strategy and Moxie Indicator™. As a member of his Mastery, you’ll also receive trade alerts between sessions so you can stay up-to-date on TG’s trades in real-time.

Join TG and the rest of the pro trading team in the Simpler Central live trading room, including real-time trade alerts, nightly video recaps, and member webinars. This is your chance to gain the ultimate exposure to all of the expert traders at Simpler Trading.

The Moxie Indicator™ Tool

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Now is your chance to discover how TG uses his secret weapon to identify big stock moves before they happen. Imagine knowing with confidence when to stay in a potential ‘grand slam’ trampoline trade and when to bail quickly when a trade doesn’t pay off. Thanks to his proprietary Moxie Indicator™, TG consistently predicts moves before they explode higher OR lower.

Available on and

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TG’s “100k Day Setup” course focuses on his Moxie Stock Method to pinpoint the timing and direction of his trades. Diving deeper, TG demonstrates how he catches his “Moxie Stocks” before they take off. With the plan that allows him to adapt to changing markets, he’s able to reveal opportunities for not one, but multiple points for profit.

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For the first time, TG is revealing how he catches “Moxie Stocks” before they take off. Whether you are a beginner or a pro, this step-by-step training is designed to provide everything you need, including TG’s breakthrough Moxie Indicator™, proven pre-trade checklist, and Moxie Scans for TOS.

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New to trading? In this class, TG breaks down trading psychology and shows you how he positions himself mentally when trading. He will also provide actionable examples of his best trading setups.

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TG’s number one trading tool is the Moxie Indicator, but to give multiple points of confirmation, he incorporates 4 common indicators available to everyone. See how these simple indicators and rules allow him to find excellent entries as well as know when to cash in on profits along the way.


Move from reacting to predicting market flow. Join TG’s “Profit Pilot” E-Letter to get actionable insights from his chart analysis so that you can finally catch trends on time.

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Get actionable market insights!

Join TG's Profit Pilot newsletter to get his chart analysis and market flow predictions, so you can finally catch trends on time.

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