
Inverse Trampoline

Last week’s giant U.S. Consumer Price Index (CPI) move put the indexes into what I call “Inverse Trampoline” moves. This is when price is over the 50-day simple moving average (SMA) and the Moxie Indicator™ is below zero. This is a bearish signal that followed through after the Federal Open … Read more

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Prep For ‘Refresh’

Less active market during a Federal Open Market Committee (FOMC) meeting on Wednesday than what we normally see. Perhaps the U.S. Consumer Price Index (CPI) took its thunder the day before? The market has shown signs of getting stronger, but I am looking for a pullback or “refresh” to help … Read more

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Laying Low

Tuesday we have the U.S. Consumer Price Index (CPI) numbers coming out and then Wednesday is the Federal Open Market Committee (FOMC) meeting. While most of us have expectations of what is coming, the reaction of the market will be what is important and telling. Going into these reports I … Read more

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‘Head On A Swivel’

Based on my typical Moxie Indicator™ price patterns, I would expect the SPDR S&P 500 ETF Trust (SPY) to head to its daily 50-day simple moving average (SMA). After that, we need to assess whether the market is bullish or bearish. The bullish case could be that the slowing of … Read more

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Line In The Sand

Ever since the bear market started, I have been using the monthly 10-day simple moving average (SMA) as a guideline. If the SPDR S&P 500 ETF Trust (SPY) is under it, we are bearish. If over, bullish. Well, with Federal Reserve Chairman Jerome Powell’s comment last week about slowing benchmark … Read more

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Market Flares On Fed

The market on Wednesday took Federal Reserve Chairman Jerome Powell’s comment about slowing rate hikes to 50 basis points at the December meeting as the path to easier monetary conditions and reacted strongly bullish. The Volatility Index (VIX) and the ProShares Ultra VIX Short Term Futures ETF (UVXY) are in … Read more

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Follow Holiday Sales

It’s that time of the year where we open our wallets and purses and spend for the holiday sales. But does holiday spending activity affect the market in a way that we can take advantage of as traders? Let’s take a look at some numbers and historical trends to see … Read more

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VIX and SPY Correlation

Let’s go back this year and look at how the Volatility Index (VIX) and the S&P 500 (SPY) have lined up. The correlation is pretty strong, plus the lower trendline on the VIX has done well. This indicates to me that you need to be very careful on the long … Read more

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Overbought Burn Off?

The market got really overbought from the straight up two-day move after a cooler U.S. Consumer Price Index (CPI) report. I have been expecting the market to pull back or flag in order to fix that condition, and it seems we are getting that. I am not sure how much … Read more

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Will New Buyers Enter the Market?

After a big 2-day move from the Consumer Price Index (CPI) report, we are looking for signs to indicate whether the long side of the market is real and sustainable or if this was a big short squeeze. I believe we are still in a bear market and the bottom … Read more

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