What could be hot in 2021?

Hey Market Pilots,

Have you prepped for 2021 and built a trading plan for how you will be taking advantage of the market’s opportunities? How do you plan to hear about the hot names and sectors which you should be mining furiously for those opportunities? Have you found a trusted source to help bring you to those trade ideas like a horse to water? If not, I would like to invite you to my free webinar today at 7:00 pm CT, where I will cover the areas I think you should know about.

This includes an in-depth explanation on how to take advantage of the revival in anti-Covid stocks, a follow up on the predictions I shared on RIOT and IIPR, and more!

Not only will I show you where we will be mining, but I will also show you how well that has worked out for the Moxie Subscribers and myself (Hint, we are up +21% in the first week of 2021). 

But you don’t have to take my word for it. Here is what some members had to say…

ThunderFin 1/7/21

I haven’t been up this much in one day since 1999.

Marlis 1/8/21

I just LOVE seeing my accounts grow. That hasn’t happened in 20 years of trading.

Come see what all the commotion and excitement is all about, tonight at 7:00 pm CT. If you are lucky, Lewis the cat will tell you what he thinks is going to be the purrrrfect set up for next week.

Over and Out,

Your Profit Pilot.


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