Welcome to 2021

Hey Market Pilots,

Happy New Year!!

2020 has been a year for everything, good and bad, including the kitchen sink. Just because the calendar now says 2021, doesn’t mean we have woken up in a completely new world. I expect there will still be some lingering vibes from 2020 as we continue to work through the COVID damages, but also reap the rewards of a very bullish market.

This year has by far been my best ever and I know the Moxie Subscribers have had a bumper year as well.  A good chunk of my annual gains was during November, where I was able to double my accounts during a 12-day stretch. If you want to see what that looked like, here is the replay for the webinar I did showcasing that performance and where I think 2021 will be going.

Now that the calendar has closed for 2020, I decided to tally things up and see how I did. Here are a few of the accounts I trade, using only stock (no options) and the gains I had:

Brokerage $30,668 to $101,944 = 332% Gain

Roth $38,788 to $136,503 = 351% Gain

Brokerage $6,521 to $19,380 = 297% Gain

And for one of the bigger accounts I trade, I opened the account on June 8th, 2020 with $645,000 and ended with $1,736,000.

This is a 269% gain in just under 7 months

I have a few other large accounts with similar performances, but we have been adding and subtracting money throughout the year so I stuck with the simple accounts which were not touched all year.

2021 should be a strong year for the market. I am seeing many indications that say we are closer to the beginning of a trend rather than the end of one. Make sure you are in the right sectors, use stops, and follow your rules. I am looking forward to trading 2021 with you!

Over and Out,

Your Profit Pilot.

If you are having trouble making money in the market or figuring out how to interpret charts, join me live on Wednesdays at 10:30 CT. I navigate the markets and answer your ticker questions in real-time. If it resonates with you, I would be thrilled to have you on the journey.


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