My best year in the market

Hey Market Pilots,

Yesterday I had my second webinar and usually it is the same as the first one since there isn’t a lot that changes in a week. Well, this time is different! On Monday the 3rd I had my second best trading day of the year (out of three exceptional days so far) and pocketed $80K in one day. The best part of this is that the Moxie subscribers got to partake in the gains as well. 

2020 has been bonkers, and for me what makes it even crazier is that my $100K and $80K days were while I was traveling and only on my laptop. So if this fact alone is inspiring, then come check out the webinar replay so you can find out how to trade like this for yourself.

This second best trading day for me was when I took my sister flying in our plane to go meet her husband and his family in Seaside, Oregon to go surfing for the weekend. 

I brought my laptop and travel monitor since I knew I would be at the beach house Monday while the market was open. It turned out to be a beautiful day with the sun and my account shining brightly. CODX was the winner that day for me and it was such a beautiful setup over the previous week that I even decided to add to the position which I communicated to the Moxie Subscribers as well. This allowed us to take full advantage of the gap up and go that lasted all day.

It’s always prudent to take some profits off just in case something wild happens. So we cashed in a quarter of the position and so far the ticker continues to hang. We will need to give it some time to see where it wants to go, but I find this very exciting and so rewarding when I get to help traders take control of their own financial future. Enjoy the replay, and come join me Saturday for the class where I show you everything I know about trading.

Over and Out,

Your Profit Pilot


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