More Volatility Ahead?

Hey Market Pilot,

I’ve been studying the S&P 500’s price action, and it’s been incredibly hard to find anything to be bullish about. What are the charts telling me instead?

In the video above, I’ll cover…

  • Why I’m still bearish
  • Coverage on the post-fed market sentiment
  • A comparison to 2008’s SPY price action

Its been a wild few weeks in the market and the charts are telling me there may be more volatility to come. Stay vigilant, traders!

Your Profit Pilot, TG

Want to hear from Simpler Trading’s founder, John Carter? On Saturday, May 14th, from 12-4 PM central, join John as he talks about the current market and how to use some free tools to keep up with the market. There’s been insane volatility lately and John will cover what it all means and how you can take the emotion out of it and rely on your charts for market direction. You can get the class for $97! Click HERE to learn more.


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