It’s OK to break up with tickers

Hey Market Pilots,

November was an incredible month for me, my family, and my subscribers as we managed to grow our accounts anywhere from 20%, 50%, and even over 100% in just 12 trading days.

Here is what some Moxie subscribers had to say…

“@TG  fun is an understatement. Its unbelievable that you are able to catch these.. cannot be more happy to be part of this. I have been here only couple of months, but seeing the power of this only now.. Hope success continues for a long time. Thank You for helping make money!” -AJ

“@TG…one of my IRA’s is up around 80 percent YTD… I’m sold on this buying stocks idea.. truthfully most of my loses were my option trades..” -Marty Z

Excitement like this can have a bit of a hangover effect, or perhaps a confidence buzz, because we think the good times will never end and that each trade will continue to be a blowout winner. But I have been through my fair share of these moments, learning all of them the hard way, I now have the experience needed in order to pocket those gains and keep them.

When certain stocks treat us so well, we can’t help but think it’s like a beautiful relationship. We start to think of the grand times we had and how we will grow old with the ticker that has provided so much wealth for us. The present is so exciting we can’t help but think it will never be any different. How could it possibly end? It’s going to be the name that keeps on giving and giving, making us independently rich just by itself.

And then one day you wake up, it took your money, locked the door, and now it’s trying to run you over with the car it helped you buy.

Didn’t you know stocks are only for dating and you better leave when the music is still playing? We just saw this experience in the recent electric vehicle (EV) euphoria. The whole sector was on fire with names exploding hundreds of percent in a matter of a few weeks. Fortunately, I have experienced this before with a few sectors, most notably the cannabis sector a while back.

This time we made our money, sold at the top, and said goodbye until later. IDEX was one of those names which we caught at the bottom ($0.98) and sold exactly at the top ($4.00). Now, look where it’s at.

Sure there may be another run-up, but why give back half of what you made when you could have just as easily captured it and tried again later with fresh eyes?

How about NIO? Sure, people are projecting it will go to $300. But if we are savvy traders, we don’t need to ride all of the twists and turns. We can be nimble and protect ourselves. With this last run, we got in at $45.50 and then got out at $52.00, right before it plunged, locking in a solid 14% gain without any headaches or heartburn.

Now, we aren’t mad at NIO for hurting us so when it comes back around and speaks kindly to us, telling us all the great things it can do for us, we will be open-minded and receptive to its calls. Staying in a casual relationship which suits us both when it’s convenient. Sounds like a win-win situation. But if we were married to NIO right now, it might be a different story.

Stocks don’t owe us anything and they don’t care about us. Get it while the getting is good, and move on. I am happy to see them again when they are ready, but just like people, stocks need time and space too.

Over and Out,

Your Profit Pilot.


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