Happy New Year!

Hey Market Pilot,

So here we are, wrapping up 2021. For as much as 2020 was weird, we at least had an exceptionally fun time with an incredible market. With the world settling into a relatively new normal for 2021, the market shifted and has been very difficult to pin down. 

There are big changes happening in the economy which I believe are spurring the shift in the market and I don’t believe we will be seeing anything close to the same action we saw in 2020. Instead, it appears money is flowing into safety. It will be a slower journey, but still one with rewards. 

Take time over the New Year weekend to reflect, assess, and plan for how you want to see 2022. Do this for both your trading life and your personal life. Let’s be sure to thank and appreciate those who are important to us and impact our lives in positive ways. 

I think many of us have felt that the year was a long one, but hopefully, you were able to find the bright spots and the roses to smell along the way. So here is to the future — we never know how it will unfold, yet take it day by day, and step by step. The road to success is long and winding, but staying on it is the key.

See you in 2022.

Your Profit Pilot, TG


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