Happy Father’s Day

Hey Market Pilots,

Yesterday was Father’s Day so I wanted to take the time to tell you a little bit about my dad and how he got me into trading.

You all are reading this because my dad was the one who exposed me to the world of trading when I was small enough to sit on his lap (comfortably). I had some various paths over the years, but it was consistent reminders about trading stocks like this, “You should learn this for your own benefit,” that kept me coming back to it.

He took me to my first stock trading seminar when I was 12 years old and it was all way over my head. Then he brought me to the next important stock seminar in my life when I was about 25. We flew our plane, the GlasAir III (pictured) out to Orange County, California and it was there that I met a few instructors whose view of the market resonated with me. I ran some numbers in my head while I was there and by the end of the weekend, I was excited to dive in with the new group I had met.

I had to take it from there, but he was always supportive and nurtured my path into making trading a full-time career. I’m sure at the time, he didn’t expect me to take it this far and end up working with John Carter at Simpler Trading, but he introduced me to mentors who helped me figure out the market and now I am helping others on their path into the market.

I know he is proud of where I have gone, and I wonder if he ever chuckles a little, seeing the results of asking if I thought this chart or that chart was in an uptrend or chop. To all the fathers out there, I hope you feel rewarded when you see the impacts you make on your children’s life and that your heart swells when they get traction in the direction you set them. 

Thank you, Dad, for helping me get to a place I didn’t know I would.

Over and Out,

Your Profit Pilot


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