Free Public Trade Goes +210%

Hey Market Pilots,

Back on November 30th, I gave a free webinar about the crazy gains my Moxie Subscribers made in a few sectors and then detailed out other sectors I thought would be lucrative veins to mine. At the end of the presentation, I touched on a little known stock about drones, calling it a sleeper stock. Today, we cashed in most of the position with a +210% gain and boy was that a fun ride.

AgEagle Aerial Systems (UAVS) was the ticker symbol for that drone company. As I continued to discuss this ticker in the days following my webinar, I got pushback from a variety of directions. Most of it consists of “you know it’s just an agriculture thing”. I didn’t care since the chart looked good, the website was extensive, the company was making good progress, drones are probably our future, and volume was coming in. Here was the slide I showed on November 30th:

Note the price was $2.87 and we just cashed in at $8.50.

Yeah, that was fun! And note the green Moxie Price trigger right as the move started on both the Daily and Hourly. If you had the Moxie Indicator and its tools, you could have found this stock too as the scanner would have shown you that Price Trigger.

Got Moxie?

Over and Out,

Your Profit Pilot.


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