Finding Market Direction…

Hey Market Pilot,

We have seen wild swings in all directions over the last few weeks…

Such action requires good traders to step back and analyze the “big picture” of market volatility. Right now, I’m looking for trends and patterns that will show me which way this market might sway.

Check out this video (posted above) to see a deep-dive into my thoughts. What I’m seeing is the notion that the market feels like it wants to be bullish, but it will need to move down before it can go back up.

-Your Profit Pilot, TG

P.S. Determining the action of the market can be difficult, especially during choppy and politically charged times like this. Join me tonight as I host a webinar to show you how I’ve been identifying both long and short plays. Then, I will open up live charts and continue the discussion with attendees. Trading in a community is better after all! Click here to register!


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