CPI Arrives

The U.S. Consumer Price Index (CPI) report came out today, but landed on expectations so the market had a muted response.

Not a bad thing, but the market had already been up for a few days and was at resistance. I think we can go higher, but I would love to see a flag or pullback to help make that happen.

If price continues to grind up without a pullback, it will make it more unstable and quicker to roll over once it decides the upside is over.

Let’s review the action today:

Will the market continue higher or roll over without a pull back? The stock market continues to sort through economic reports that can influence price action. How do you trade this market with this uncertainty? Members of my Moxie Indicator™ Mastery Program learn how to combine fast-moving signals and track movement as the market flips and flops in the volatility. Join us as we track the profit opportunities!

Your Profit Pilot, TG


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