Correct Call In Bitcoin…

Hey Market Pilot, 

Last month, I alerted the Moxie Indicator™ members about Bitcoin (GBTC, pictured below). At the time, I said that I was waiting to see if price would pull back into support. 

The next day, I explained that I saw several names on my list acting similarly to GBTC by completing an “elf shoe” pattern (pictured below). 

In the video above, I’ll explain…

  • How the “elf shoe” pattern completed in GBTC
  • How I correctly anticipated where GBTC’s price was heading
  • Why I was able to anticipate the move almost two weeks before it happened

While it was nice to be right about GBTC’s price action, a more broad lesson is to be learned from this situation. That is, find a trading style that works for you and create trading “rules” around your plan. It shouldn’t matter what ticker you are trading if you can do that!

Your Profit Pilot, TG


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