Memorial Day Weekend

Hey Market Pilots,

As a trader, I have grown accustomed to having access to my money and the ability to liquidate my positions at a moment’s notice. It’s a major factor in why I like trading as an investment vehicle. I don’t have to wait for someone to be interested in my property, worry if my investment goes out of style, or is at risk of water damage. But for two days a week I have to pause that accessibility while the world still turns. 

In the grand scheme of things, letting an investment sit over a weekend is a drop in the bucket. However, in our world, when a trade may only last one to four weeks, a weekend consists of nearly 30% of trade duration. When you look at it like that, then you begin to understand how not being able to manage your positions over weekends can be a little stressful.

Now consider a 3-day weekend. You just added 50% to the amount of time you can’t manage a position while the world still turns and events happen. This is why I like to pare back my exposure risk in the market when going into a long weekend like this Memorial Day holiday. Not only do I get to destress about my lack of positions, but it also helps to denote the specialness of the weekend. 

Most of my family has served in the Armed Forces. My uncle was in the Navy, my dad and both grandpa’s were in the Air Force. All of them, including myself, are pilots which is why aviation is such a big part of my regular and trading life. They have served our country and helped to protect us. Keeping our society safe and preserving it for future generations. 

This idea resonates with me as my family has entrusted me with protecting and growing their finances. In my own little way, I feel as though I am serving and giving back in the way that I can. Much like how they served and gave back in the way they could at the time. I know others out there in the trading world feel the same, as I have had more than one subscriber tell me they have begun to manage their family’s finances. The responsibility can be a bit daunting; knowing that you are the one at the helm making decisions that could put your family in a better or worse financial situation. But those who serve to protect us face daunting situations as well and they pull through; managing to step up to the challenges they face.

I’d like to close on a thankful note as Memorial Day was yesterday. Let us be thankful to those out there past, present, and future who have contributed to our great country. And when trading gets difficult, we lose money, or it feels like we are up against insurmountable odds, let us remember we are choosing to venture into this profession. A profession where we can safely sit at home and provide for our family, knowing that others are looking out for us.

Over and Out,

Your Profit Pilot


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