56% Growth in nine days

Hey Market Pilots,

Sometimes in trading, a few days can make your whole year. In my case, and the Moxie Traders, it was only nine days. Those nine days provided me with +56%, +46%, and +38% account growth using only stocks. These are the kinds of returns that options traders look for, but I’m over here trading my accounts without leverage and still cranking out high percentage wins.

In a typical year, I can usually double my account using just stock. With this gauge in mind, then you can see why growing my account +56% in 9 days is astonishing. It means that I compressed 6 months of work into 9 days. So how did I do it? Well, finding the right names at the right time is important, of course. Then having those names explode 50%, 130%, and 180% really helps.

That is why I will be hosting a webinar on November 30th showcasing these trades, how I found them, and how I traded them. Be sure to sign up so you can learn what it takes to get this kind of performance in your account, no matter the size. 

Registration starts soon, so be on the lookout for an invitation!

Here is a screenshot of my smallest account which began November 10th at a value of $9,200 and finished November 20th at $13,400 for a gain of 46%. 

Here is my largest account which happens to be a Roth IRA and began November 10th at a value of $1,399,000 and finished November 20th at $1,954,000 for a gain of 38%. 

And finally, here is a screenshot of my most aggressive account which began November 10th at a value of $616,000 and finished November 20th at $955,000 for a gain of 56%. 

As you can see, very similar account performance, no options, and size doesn’t matter. I look forward to showing you how I did it, while hundreds of Moxie subscribers followed me, on November 30th.

Over and Out,

Your Profit Pilot.

If you are having trouble making money in the market or figuring out how to interpret charts, join me live on Wednesdays at 10:30 CT. I navigate the markets and answer your ticker questions in real-time. You can also find me on Twitter, Instagram, and Facebook. If my trading style resonates with you, I would be thrilled to have you on the journey.


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